Terms and Conditions

  • You understand and acknowledge that You can register on the application only after entering your Registration Data which includes your name and phone number

  • You shall ensure that the Registration Data provided is accurate, complete, current, valid and true and is updated from time to time. We shall bear no liability for false, incomplete, old or incorrect Registration Data provided.

  • Your account cannot be transferred, assigned, or sold to someone else. We shall not be liable for any loss that may incur because of someone else using your password or account, either with or without your knowledge.

  • We reserve the right to suspend or terminate a user account with immediate effect and for an indefinite period, if we have a reason to believe that the Registration Data or any other data provided by the user is incorrect or false, or that the security of the account has been compromised in any way.

  • An authorized Tabeeb Online representative shall provide information regarding services, discounts and promotions provided to users by way of an SMS or email or call to their registered mobile number/registered email ID.


  • Telenor Pakistan does not hold any responsibility in monitoring doctor consultation experience
  • Refunds (valid as per customer experience policy) of consultation fee will only be made in the form of Tabeeb Online mobile application credits to purchase another appointment in case of valid, eligible cases.

  • This is not an emergency service and incase of emergency please reach out to the relevant hospital or emergency center.

  • Against every Doctor listed in the application, you get an option to Book an Appointment and receive a consultation. When you choose this option, you choose to schedule a video/audio/chat session with the doctor through technological services provided by Tabeeb Online. Tabeeb Online / Telenor Pakistan shall not be responsible for negligence or breach of confidentiality obligations of such information by the Doctor or other service providers engaged in providing services.

  • You understand and agree that any interactions and associated issues with the doctors including but not limited to your health issues and your experiences is strictly between you and the doctor. You shall not hold Tabeeb Online/ Telenor Pakistan responsible for any such interactions and associated issues. In addition, Tabeeb Online is not involved in providing any healthcare or medical advice or diagnostic services and is merely a facilitator of the same through the Site/Application and hence is not responsible for any outcome between you and the doctor you interact with, pursuant to any interactions on the Site/Application. Your decision to engage with a doctor for receiving medical services from him/her is at your own risk.

  • Tabeeb Online will not be liable for any wrong medication or treatment quality being given by the doctor(s), or any medical negligence on part of the doctor(s).

  • Tabeeb Online does not hold responsibility for any type of inconvenience suffered by the user due to a failure on the part of the doctor to provide agreed services or to make himself/herself available at the appointed time, inappropriate treatment, or similar difficulties like cancellation or rescheduling of booked appointment, any error in the medical reports provided by the associated bodies/partners/service providers.